CA Promise Interview w/ Hillary Taylor

         In my interview with Hillary, Taylor we looked into how California State University San Marcos provides educational resources for the students. She works as the head of the Language Other Than English department and also is involved in many other educational resources for students. She has taught and worked for San Marcos for fourteen years starting as a French professor. In her department she works with many different students and is leading the California Promise educational resource. There are about twenty students in this program that fast tracks students to graduation. She provides education counseling and also is there for every student in every possible way. In this education resource students have prior registration, drop in advising, and help with talking to professors when necessary. The best way to find information on this resource is the CSUSM website, talking to other CA Promise students, and recommendation from transfer centers at community colleges. Some of this information about the program can be intense, but the community of students create a platform for success. She would love to see the program grow helping students while also relieving the over stressed advising center. Hillary would also love to see more funding and see the program get a specific center to call home. Her favorite part is working with each student and her love for what she does truly shows. 
 Maria Thomas Interview Health resources
            In my interview with Thomas, Maria we looked into the health side of educational resources for students at the University of California San Marcos. She has worked in educational health services for three years. In these resources education on general health to birth control, nutrition, and sexual education are just some of the few resources they are willing to educate and help students on. You can find all of their information on the CSUSM health website. You can also always just walk in. They also provide a on campus pharmacy and many free samples of protection for sexual health. When it comes to students being informed some are, but many are missing out on this resource. Students use this resource all of the time and the number of students in the center truly shows. The resources are excellent and there is a doctor there to provide onsite help. In the future she would like it to grow to dental and eye exams to truly benefit students. When asked about funding she was unsure, but more could always benefit the students. She loves working with students and see helping them as the greatest benefit to her job. Her biggest hope is to provide more over the counter medication for students in need.

- Caleb Lockert 


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