Interview with Christa Wencl

Interview w/ Christa Wencl

For my first interview, I interviewed Christa Wencl.  She is the sexual violence advocator and educator at CSUSM.  I got ahold of her when CSUSM sent an email in regarding to Title IX, which helps students who have been sexually assaulted and how it gets looked at.  Just like the interview that I did with Dr. B, this was more of an open conversation and we talked about her position and how this has become such a huge issue in today’s society.  We talked about the Not Anymore training that we are required to take before every fall semester and Title IX because it helps educate the students here at CSUSM and what to do to prevent these things from happening.  We also talked about how many students come in daily to discuss about sexual violence and she said that a lot of people come in to talk about stories and such.  It was very awesome to hear about what she does as an educator and how she got to where she is at now.  She is there to help students to educate and comfort those who have been affected by sexual violence.  The health services department is very big on this topic and offers counseling and aid in regards to raising awareness for sexual violence.

- Brandon Tsutsui


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