Kellog Library: Exclusive Interview with Kevin Palomino

Interview  - Kevin Palomino Assistant Librarian

   Kellog Library 

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  My interview with Kevin Palomino went very well. I gained a lot of insight into the programs and resources available to all students through the Kellog Library. I initially asked him what his role was at the library. He works at the front desk and helps direct students to the resources throughout the library. Due to the nature of his job he needs to be very up to date on the programs offered. For this reason, I found interviewing Kevin as highly productive for our project. I asked him all about the numerous resources offered and he gave very insightful answers. He knew quite a bit about the process of booking appointments at the writing center and math lab. In our focus group, we found that some students had some annoying encounters with these centers due to appointment times and unavailability. He recognized that it is difficult to find appointments at the writing center but the only way to get around the issue was to book appointments at least a week in advance. He is also a student and was able to explain his own difficulties at the math lab. The short appointments were not very helpful to him and he feels that the best way for the school to solve this issue is the provide additional funds towards the centers to help them hire additional student staff as well as professors to assist in the influx of students that school has seen in the last few years. 

  Overall, Kevin helped out a lot with my research since he was able to lay out and explain all the resources that many students don’t take advantage of within the library. He also went over the ways they help students deal with high textbook costs by renting out books that professors put on reserve. He explained the fees associated with these rentals and the best way to ensure their availability. I believe there are many resources that are misunderstood within the library and even some that are completely under the radar with minimal students aware of their existence. 

- Garrett Weimann


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